Frequently asked questions
This page contains frequently asked questions and answers about hot tubs.
Sekä paljussa että ulkoporealtaassa voit nauttia ulkoilmasta, lämpimästä vedestä ja hyvästä seurasta. Palju vaatii kuitenkin ulkoporealtaaseen verrattuna työläät esivalmistelut ja jälkityöt.
Ennen kylpemistä palju täytyy ensin täyttää vedellä ja vesi lämmittää puilla. Ulkoporeallas on aina käyttövalmis, ja veden lämpötilaa voidaan säätää muutamalla napinpainalluksella. Kylvyn jälkeen palju täytyy pestä joka käyttökerran jälkeen, kun taas ulkoporealtaan voi jättää odottamaan seuraavaa kylpykertaa. Ulkoporealtaiden vettä hoidetaan kuitusuodatusjärjestelmän, otsonaattorin ja puhdistuskemikaalien avulla.
Helppouden lisäksi huomaat eron myös vedessä ollessasi. Ulkoporealtaat ovat suunniteltu ergonomisesti ja niiden poreominaisuudet rentouttavat kokonaisvaltaisesti koko kehon.
In addition to the hot tub, all Novitek hot tubs are supplied with a thick insulating cover, a filter cartridge, starter chemicals and a clear instruction manual. This means that the hot tub delivered to your yard is ready to use after installation, and you don’t have to buy chemicals, for example, straight away.
The electrical connection of the outdoor hot tub shall be protected against electric shock. The most common electrical connection is 3 x 16A, 400V.
Yes, you can. A recessed panel is available as a factory-fitted option for all hot tub. The recessed panelling makes it easy to service the hot tub without the need for separate service hatches on the terrace. The maximum depth of the embedment can be 40 cm from the bottom of the pool to the top of the terrace.
If the hot tub is embedded in a terrace and the spa does not have embedding panels, separate service hatches must be provided on each side of the pool. The service hatches shall be made so that the side panels of the hot tub can be freely opened and there is room to work next to the pool if necessary.
Please also note that each side of the hot tub must have about 50cm of free space to allow for any maintenance work.
An outdoor hot tub can be placed almost anywhere. It can be installed outside in the garden, on top of a terrace, embedded in a terrace, on a balcony or indoors. The substrate must be flat, structurally coherent, free of debris and able to withstand the weight of the pool unchanged.
Maintenance and cleaning of the outdoor hot tub is easy and hassle-free. It is a good idea to add chlorine or other water treatment chemicals to the spa after each bath, or at least once a week, even if the hot tub is not being used for bathing. The filter should be rinsed at least twice a month and replaced every time the water is changed, i.e. twice a year on average.
Ulkoporealtaan vedenvaihto suoritetaan altaan käyttöasteesta riippuen 2-4 kertaa vuodessa. Vettä ei tarvitse vaihtaa tämän useammin, sillä ulkoporealtaan vettä hoidetaan kolmella eri tavalla samanaikaisesti. Kuitusuodattimen, otsonaattorin ja puhdistuskemikaalien avulla vesi pysyy puhtaana ja kirkkaana.
1. Kuitusuodatin kerää vedestä talteen irtonaiset pienet roskat. Kuitusuodatin tulee vaihtaa uuteen aina vedenvaihdon yhteydessä. Kuitusuodattimen käyttöikää voi pidentää ja suodatustehokkuutta parantaa huuhtelemalla suodatinpatruuna 2-4 kertaa kuukaudessa juoksevan veden alla. Kuitusuodattimen tehokkaampaan pesuun on saatavilla erillinen suodattimen puhdistussuihke sekä suodattimen pesuaine. Puhdistustuotteet irrottavat tehokkaasti kuitusuodattimesta öljyn, rasvan ja kalkkikertymät. Kaikkien Novitek®-ulkoporealtaiden suodatusjärjestelmä on täysin automatisoitu.
2. Kaikissa Novitekin valmistamissa altaissa on vakiovarusteena otsonaattori. Otsonaattorin tehtävä on poistaa vedestä bakteereja, hiukkasia ja tunkkaista hajua. Järjestelmä on toiminnassa, kun altaan pohjalla olevasta harmaasta otsonisuuttimesta tulee ilmakuplia. Otsonaattori on täysin huoltovapaa, eikä aiheuta altaan käyttäjälle toimenpiteitä. Laite kuitenkin suositellaan vaihdettavaksi 3 – 4 vuoden välein, jotta saadaan tehollisesti paras tulos veden puhtaana pysymiseen.
3. Puhdistuskemikaalien (kloorin) tehtävä on pitää vesi desinfioituna, kirkkaana ja puhtaana sekä poistaa vedestä bakteereita. Kloorin lisäksi altaissa voidaan käyttää puhdistuskemikaalina kloorivapaita aktiivihappitabletteja tai SpaBalancer-vedenhoitoainetta. Tarkemmat ohjeet puhdistuskemikaalien annostelusta löydät käyttämäsi kemikaalin paketista.
Depending on the level of use of the hot tub, the water is changed 2-4 times a year. There is no need to change the water more often than this, as the water in the outdoor pool is treated in three different ways at the same time. A filter, an ozonator and cleaning chemicals keep the water clean and clear.
1. The fibre filter collects loose small debris from the water. The filter should be replaced every time the water is changed. To prolong the life of the filter and improve filtration efficiency, rinse the filter cartridge 2-4 times a month under running water. A separate filter cleaning spray and filter detergent are available to clean the filter more effectively. The cleaning products effectively remove oil, grease and limescale deposits from the fibre filter. The filtration system of all Novitek® hot tubs is fully automated.
2. All Novitek hot tubs are equipped with an ozonator as standard equipment. The function of the ozonator is to remove bacteria, particles and stale odours from the water. The system is operational when air bubbles emerge from the grey ozone nozzle at the bottom of the hot tub. The ozonator is completely maintenance-free and does not cause any intervention by the pool operator. However, it is recommended that the unit be replaced every 3 to 4 years to achieve the best effective result in keeping the water clean.
3. The role of the cleaning chemicals (chlorine) is to keep the water disinfected, clear and clean and to remove bacteria from the water. In addition to chlorine, chlorine-free active oxygen tablets can be used as a cleaning chemical in hot tubs. For more detailed instructions on dosing the cleaning chemicals, please refer to the package of the chemical you are using.
Novitek hot tubs are handcrafted in Salo, Finland, using only the highest quality components and hardware. Our goal is to ensure that there is no extra maintenance.
However, when designing our hot tubs, we have taken into account potential risk factors and ease of maintenance. The insulation panels are attached directly to the outer cladding, making all components easy to maintain. All pumps and electronics are mounted on pedestals so that any possible water entering the hot tub’s machine room will not damage them. All pumps and electronics are also replaceable without draining the pool.
All spare parts are in stock, so you can rely on us to get your hot tub back in working order quickly.
The hot tub is emptied into a waste water drain using a submersible pump. The Novitek submersible pump drains the hot tub quickly and easily. Our pumps are made of durable materials. Thanks to its good design, the pump almost completely empties the pool. The pump is easy to use because it does not have a separate floating float switch.
All Novitek hot tubs come with a comprehensive warranty program. We make sure that spare parts are available for our outdoor hot tubs for years to come. The Novitek warranty program is a sign of quality and guarantees the user years of carefree bathing.
The electricity consumption of a hot tub depends on the size, the weather, the usage rate, the water temperature and the user’s own activity.
Novitek hot tubs are designed to be as energy efficient as possible. All the hot tubs use domestic, fire-resistant and mould-free extruded polyurethane insulation. Each hot tub is insulated at the bottom and sides, keeping operating costs down.
We have tested the energy consumption of the hot tub over a one-year period. During this period, the outdoor temperature dropped to -30°C. Despite this, the 1 100 litre hot tub consumed only 2200 kWh of electricity. The water temperature was 37°C throughout the test period and the hot tub was used on average 2-3 times a week. Care was also taken to use the pool in Economy mode, which only heated the water during the filtering cycle.
In the event of a power failure, do not open the insulating cover of the hot tub! The hot tub will automatically restart when the power is restored. After a power failure, check the hot tub’s functions and water temperature.
Short power outages, lasting from a few minutes to a few hours, do not affect the operation of the hot tub. The hot tub will not freeze even in sub-zero temperatures; freezing requires a power cut lasting several days. In the event of a longer power cut, contact your dealer.
All Novitek hot tubs use domestic, fire-resistant and mould-free extruded polyurethane insulation. Each hot tub is insulated on both the bottom and sides. The insulation allows the hot tub to be kept ready for use all year round. In addition, each hot tub is always supplied with a thick insulating cover to prevent the heat from evaporating.
Novitek hot tubs are designed for Finland’s harsh weather conditions. Thanks to high-quality components and insulation, the hot tub can withstand even the harshest frosts and remain energy-efficient.
Our hot tubs also have a frost protection as standard equipment, which automatically starts all pumps if the water temperature drops below 7.5°C. This keeps the water moving and prevents it from freezing.
For the most demanding conditions, a factory-fitted 3kW auxiliary heater is available. The additional heater heats the water to the set temperature faster and maintains the temperature even in the harshest frosts. The auxiliary heater is connected to its own 230V, 1 x 16A electrical socket.
Novitek-ulkoporealtaat on suunniteltu Suomen vaativiin sääolosuhteisiin. Laadukkaiden komponenttien ja eristeiden ansiosta altaat kestävät kovimmatkin paukkupakkaset ja pysyvät lisäksi energiatehokkaina.
Altaissamme on vakiovarusteena myös pakkasvahti, joka käynnistää automaattisesti kaikki pumput, mikäli veden lämpötila pääsee laskemaan alle 7,5°C. Tällöin vesi pysyy liikkeessä eikä pääse jäätymään.
Vaativimpiin olosuhteisiin Select-, Exclusive– ja Lumispa-mallistoihin on saatavilla tehdasasenteinen 3kW lisälämmitin. Lisälämmitin lämmittää veden asetettuun lämpötilaan nopeammin ja ylläpitää lämpötilan kaikkein kovimmillakin pakkasilla. Lisälämmitin kytketään omaan 230V, 1 x 16 A sähköliitäntään.