
Hot tub water treatment

Water stays clean and clear for a long time thanks to the fibre filter, ozonation system and chemicals. Remembering a few things about water care makes cleaning your hot tub easy and hassle-free!

Common water treatment problems, causes and solutions

  • Suomessa valmistetut Novitek-ulkoporealtaat on suunniteltu pohjoisen oloihin – ne kestävät aikaa, säätä ja pitävät omistajaansa hyvänä vuosikymmenet.
  •  Kaikki Novitek-ulkoporealtaat valmistetaan alusta loppuun käsityönä Varsinais-Suomessa, Salon tehtaalla. 
  • Novitek ulkoporealtailla on Avainlippu-tunnus merkkinä suomalaisesta työstä.

Possible reason:

  • Dirty filter
  • Water pH not within the recommended range
  • Inadequate use of cleaning chemicals
  • Water used too much or too old


  • Clean or replace the filter
  • Adjust the pH value of the water to the recommended range
  • Add a cleaning chemical to the water
  • Change the water

Possible reason:

  • Water pH too low
  • Too much organic matter / bacterial or algal growth in the water
  • Insufficient use of chemicals


  • Adjust the pH value of the water to the recommended range
  • Add a cleaning chemical to the water
  • Drain, clean and refill the hot tub

Possible reason:

  • Too much calcium in the water
  • Total alkalinity of water too low
  • Water pH too low


  • Adjust the pH value of the water to the recommended range
  • Drain, clean and refill the outdoor pool

Possible reason:

  • pH value not within the recommended range
  • Soap deposits or e.g. cosmetic products in the water


  • Measure the pH value and add pH or pH+ according to the instructions
  • Shock chlorine and change the water if necessary

The ABC of water treatment

Suihkussa käyminen ennen altaaseen menoa on erittäin
suositeltavaa, jotta altaaseen ei pääse ylimääräisiä aineita tai rasvoja
esimerkiksi deodoranteista, hajusteista, hiustenhoitotuotteista tai
• Ulkoporealtaan vesi pysyy myös kirkkaana pidempään, eikä
kuitusuodatinta tarvitse puhdistaa yhtä usein.

  • Showering before entering the hot tub is highly recommended to prevent excess substances or grease from entering the hot tub, for example from deodorants, perfumes, hair care products or body lotions.
  • The water in the hot tub will also stay clearer for longer and the fibre filter will not need to be cleaned as often.
  • The most common cleaning agent used in water treatment is chlorine.
  • As a non-chlorine alternative, you can use e.g. active oxygen tablets
  • The pH should be between 7.2 and 7.6.
  • If the water does not foam, smell or look cloudy, the water is usually fine.
  • Rinse the filter and use the filter cleaner as directed.
  • Always replace the new fibre filter with a water change 2-4 times a year.

Water pH value

  • Suomessa valmistetut Novitek-ulkoporealtaat on suunniteltu pohjoisen oloihin – ne kestävät aikaa, säätä ja pitävät omistajaansa hyvänä vuosikymmenet.
  •  Kaikki Novitek-ulkoporealtaat valmistetaan alusta loppuun käsityönä Varsinais-Suomessa, Salon tehtaalla. 
  • Novitek ulkoporealtailla on Avainlippu-tunnus merkkinä suomalaisesta työstä.
  • For the detergents to work properly, the pH of the water should be between 7.2 and 7.6.
  • The pH value of water can be influenced by many factors, such as the quality of the water in the locality, chemicals or contaminants. Check the pH value of the water regularly.
  • You can either use 3in1 test strips or a chlorine tester.
  • NOTE! If you use a chlorine-free water conditioner, use an active oxygenid & pH tester to check your hot tub water.
  • If the pH is too low, the water treatment chemicals cannot work properly.
  • A low pH can damage parts of the pool.
  • The dosage instructions: 10g/1000l will raise the pH value of the pool water by about 0.1. Increase the pH value a little at a time.
  • Measure the pH value again at the earliest half an hour after addition. Preferably after several hours or the next day.
  • Remember that pH changes slowly.
  • If the pH is too high, the water treatment chemicals cannot work properly.
  • Too high a pH can cause irritation to the eyes and skin, and cause limescale to build up in the hot tub.
  • Dosage instructions 10g/1000l will raise the pH of the water by approx. 0.1.
  • Measure the pH value again at the earliest half an hour after addition. Preferably after several hours or the next day.
  • Remember that pH changes slowly.

Practical tips

  • Raemuotoiset kemikaalit tulee aina sekoittaa ensin muoviastiassa. Liuenneet rakeet kaadetaan vasta tämän jälkeen veteen.
  • Kemikaalitabletit voidaan annostella myös suoraan ulkoporealtaan suodatinkoloon. Kemikaaliannostelija ei ole välttämätön. Älä heitä klooritablettia suoraan altaaseen (valkaisuvaikutus).<
  • Granular chemicals should always be mixed in a plastic container first. The dissolved granules are only then poured into water.
  • Chemical tablets can also be dispensed directly into the filter. A chemical dispenser is not necessary. Do not throw the chlorine tablet directly into the pool (bleaching effect).

Be sure to fill your hot tub with clean water using the pool fill filter.

  • The fill filter reduces magnesium, iron and lime in the water used to fill your hot tub.
  • Cleaner water ensures the best bathing experience from the very first bath and protects the machinery from excess dirt.
  • The fill filter is easy to use and long-lasting. It connects to the end of the garden hose, making it suitable for all hot tubs.
  • One filter can fill the Novitek hot tub up to 35 times.

Use two filters alternately – When one is being cleaned, the other is always ready for use.

  • Remove the fibre filter from the hot tub.
  • Add water to the bucket, plus filter detergent according to the instructions.
  • Leave the filter to soak for at least three hours.
  • Remove the filter from the solution and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • Leave the filter to dry.
    This way the filter is always clean and ready for use.

Water change

  • Suomessa valmistetut Novitek-ulkoporealtaat on suunniteltu pohjoisen oloihin – ne kestävät aikaa, säätä ja pitävät omistajaansa hyvänä vuosikymmenet.
  •  Kaikki Novitek-ulkoporealtaat valmistetaan alusta loppuun käsityönä Varsinais-Suomessa, Salon tehtaalla. 
  • Novitek ulkoporealtailla on Avainlippu-tunnus merkkinä suomalaisesta työstä.
  1. Clean the plumbing! A huge amount of dirt and grease accumulates in the pipes of a hot tub if they are not cleaned regularly. It is recommended to use a plumbing cleaner every time you change the water. Add plumbing cleaner to the water the night before draining the water. After adding the cleaner, turn on the pumps for about 15 minutes and leave the cleaner in the pipes overnight. NOTE! Follow the dosage instructions on the can.
  2. Turn off the power before draining.
  3. Drain the hot tub using the submersible pump. You can load the water that remains on the banks into the bottom of the spa to empty the hot tub as much as possible. Be careful not to scratch the surface of the acrylic. Use the submersible pump to pump the water directly into the waste water drain.
  4. Remove the fibre filter after draining.
  5. Wipe down the entire hot tub with a soft, lint-free cloth or sponge and a disinfectant cleaner.
  6. Wax the surface of the outer basin with a sponge or dry cloth. The wax effectively protects the shiny surface of the hot tub. Cleaning a waxed pool is easy.
  7. Fill the hot tub, for example with a garden hose through a filter, to avoid air traps in the piping and pumps.
  8. Fill the hot tub up to the level of the LED lights. Make sure that there is always enough water in the outdoor pool and that all jets are below the water level.
  9. After filling, replace the fibre filter, filter grating and filter cover.
  10. Turn on the power and check that the hot tub is in READY mode.
  11. Close the insulating cover.